Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bonus Time

Today was a milestone, we are now officially in uncharted territory as far as carrying a baby. In fact, as of 4:43p.m. we have now carried this child longer than Cooper or Jack, and are creeping toward September 22nd. What a day that will be!

I failed to mention in my last post that we are also now past the point where "if" we were to go into labor right now they would not need to give Tamara any steroid shots for the baby's lung development and that is a welcomed relief.

In the pending arrival of this little girl my (our) prayers remain the same, carry her to the delivery date, health, and all leave the hospital together. I am praying specifically for the health of this little girl as both our other boys put the yellow in a banana to shame with jaundice. We are so excited that in just 12 days we will meet this little girl and welcome her into a sea of people who have been praying for her and are ready to love her. Thank you again for praying for us.

More later this week


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on the uncharted territory that is. Keep on truckin!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see this little girl!
Love you, Aunt Jo